2016年4月4日 星期一

《52週人脈計畫 - 第19週  寄感謝卡》

第19週  寄感謝卡



  • 購買一套適當的感謝卡;
  • 列出最近曾經加倍努力幫助你的人;
  • 每天花個幾分鐘寄感謝卡;
  • 手邊要有充足的感謝卡,讓你在有空時就能取用;
  • 不要想夾帶一張自己的名片;
  • 利用每一次機會表達感謝。


Week 19  Send thank-you cards to people

Everyone knows sending thank-you notes is a good idea. It only takes a couple of minutes to do. People love the old-fashioned low-tech personally handwritten thank-you notes. They are a very nice touch as people appreciate the time and effort involved. But the real question is even knowing all these benefits, how many thank-you notes did you personally send out last year?

Networkers don't just talk about thank-you notes. They actually send them. If you aspire to join the 29 percent of businesses that do networking well, you'd better set up some systems to send out thank-you notes on a consistent basis. Keep it simple:

  • Purcxocks of cards handy so you can do this in your spare time.
  • Ignore the urge to include your business card.
  • Thank people every opportunity you get.


